
Seasonal Sundays (Week 13) Late March

Well, hello, spring! Your arrival is most welcome! To celebrate, this week's recipe collection focuses on spring flavors, no, not asparagus and strawberries quite yet, it's a little early. But still, lighter, brighter, simpler ... just for spring.

Corned Beef

with Red Potatoes, Carrot Chunks, Cabbage Wedges & Cheese Sauce Perfect for St. Patrick's Day, this is the entire meal all in one, corned beef slow-cooked either on the stove or in the oven, served with potatoes, carrots, cabbage and at my house, a simple cheese sauce to pull it all together. This is a meat 'n' potatoes, man-pleasing menu! Real Food, Fresh & Family-Tested Over Many Years. Hearty & Filling. Budget Friendly. Mostly Hands-Off Cooking. High Protein. What're you waiting for?!

Seasonal Sundays (Week 12) Mid March

So here we are, on the bridge between late winter and early spring, ready to move on life- and food- and other-wise without wishing away the days we have. Recipes? Of course! St. Patrick's Day plus plenty of "green" food for the week, all to add a bit of extra fun to lives. As always, I thank you for inviting me into your InBox. I do so hope to kickstart your food imagination for the coming week ...

Broccoli Rigatoni with Chickpeas & Lemon

An easy pasta supper, this time lemony, garlicky, cheesy and broccoli good. And isn't it just too cute how the chickpeas tuck themselves into the rigatoni? Plus it uses three super-simple techniques to boost all the flavors. Add some shaved parmesan and just like that, dinner's on the table! Dinner, Made from Scratch. Real Food, Fast & Family-Tested. Another Quick Supper , a Kitchen Parade Specialty. Hearty & Filling. Year-Round Kitchen Staple. Budget Friendly. Weeknight Easy. Vegetarian for Meatless Monday. High Protein. What're you waiting for?!

Seasonal Sundays (Week 11) Mid March

Cauliflower connoisseurs, look for a treasure trove of recipes inside. Pie people, your slice of 3.14 Pi Day is just days away! Curious cooks, you know I hope that this week's recipe collection will inspire your March meals ...

Cornmeal Pancakes with Warm Blueberries

Simple but sumptuous cornmeal pancakes topped with my favorite "pancake syrup" of Warm Blueberries and a dollop of sour cream. The combination makes for a special breakfast or pancake supper. Real Food, Fast & Comforting. Mere Minutes to the Table for Breakfast or a Pancake Supper. Budget Friendly. Weeknight Easy, Weekend Special. Easy DIY.

Seasonal Sundays (Week 10) Early March

We still have to eat, right? Recipes and more, inside.

Simple Beef Salad

What a creative way to use up (and stretch!) a small piece of leftover beef – leftover pork works well too – with a quick, meaty salad . Just add some rice and veggies then tie it all together with mayonnaise laced with soy sauce and horseradish. Is it almost a fried-rice salad? Maybe! But it's definitely retro good! Whole Food, Mere Minutes to the Table. Another Quick Supper , a Kitchen Parade Specialty. Budget Friendly. Easy Weeknight Supper. High Protein. Weight Watchers Friendly. Naturally Gluten Free.

Seasonal Sundays (Week 9) Late February

If it's Sunday, well, it's time for recipes and other ideas for the week or two ahead, a late-winter collection that includes both "Pancake Night" and Mardi Gras, two sides of the same calendar coin. Plus ... signs of spring, Mother Nature's and metaphorical, two sides of the same ... something.

Spinach Salad with Fruity Vinaigrette,
Fresh Fruit & Maple-Glazed Pecans

A big dinner spinach salad, fresh and green with a rainbow of fresh fruit and g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s Maple-Glazed Pecans, all lightly dressed in a Fruity Vinaigrette. It works for one or two but scales for feeding a crowd. Real Food, Fresh & Flexible. Low Carb. Low Fat. Weight Watchers Friendly. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real . Naturally Gluten Free. Scales from Small Plates to Large Platters.