
Perfect Thick Pork Chops

Have you heard the news? The pork chop is getting a makeover, starting with a new name, four new names, to be exact. Whatever pork chops are called now, I've got the recipe for cooking a thick pork chop, turning out juicy, perfectly cooked meat every time. ~ Skip Straight to the Recipe ~ BEST RECIPES! Perfect Thick Pork Chops were one of 2013's "Best Recipes"! Best Recipes of 2013 Pity the Poor Pork Chop. Pity the poor pork chop, it’s getting a makeover. Remember when prunes became “dried plums”? And the dolphinfish was renamed “mahi mahi”? The Chinese gooseberry transformed into “kiwifruit”? Rapeseed oil became “canola”? And GORP became “trail mix”? These foods had genuine name problems and yes, we’ve adjusted. (Last year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration nixed the Corn Refiners Association’s unconscionable proposal to rename the evil high-fructose corn syrup the wholesome-sounding “corn sugar”. Good move, people, a rose is a rose is