
Showing posts from January, 2023

Simple Roasted Mushrooms

How to roast whole mushrooms in the oven with a few pantry ingredients for a quick year-round savory hot side dish or meal prep for future meals. Mushroom people, you're going to love this simple technique that draws out so much flavor and texture . Whole Food, Simply Prepared. "Plain" But Perfect. Year-Round Kitchen Staple. Budget Friendly. Weeknight Easy, Weekend Special. Great for Meal Prep. Scales from Small Batch to Large Batch. Easy DIY. Low Carb. Low Fat. Weight Watchers Friendly. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real . Naturally Gluten Free.

Seasonal Sundays (Week 5) Leaning into Lentils

Seven recipes leaning on lentils, from suppers to soups to salads. Here's hoping that both lentil lovers and lentil learners will find at least one recipe destined to become a staple in your own kitchens ...

Oven-Baked Brown Rice

For anyone who's had trouble cooking brown rice, or wondered how to cook healthy brown rice perfectly every time, this is your lucky day! First, there's this recipe for brown rice, my favorite, where the rice cooks right in the oven, revealing moist, nutty grains of tender brown rice . Oh! So! Good! And then, if you like, bake brown rice and wild rice together for extra-appealing color and texture . Whole Food, Simply Prepared, "Plain" But Perfect. Just Two Ingredients + Pantry Staples. An Easy Weeknight Side Dish or "Under" Dish. Weight Watchers Friendly. Budget Friendly. Naturally Gluten Free. Freezes Well. Low Fat. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real . Great for Meal Prep.

Seasonal Sundays (Week 4) Quick Breads

Seven out-of-the-ordinary quick breads, both savory and sweet, ones to supplement an otherwise skimpy or frugal supper, ones to snack on over the weekend. I hope you'll find one or two destined as "keepers" in your own recipe repertoire.

Easy Brussels Sprouts Bites

Looking for an extra-easy but surprising vegetable appetizer for your next social gathering? Lean into one of winter's special vegetables, pretty Brussels sprouts roasted with a little butter until soft, then cloaked in a drizzle of cream . Grab a toothpick! These are wonderful! Whole Food, Simply Prepared. "Plain" But Perfect. Real Food, Fresh & Family-Tested. A Surprise Hit for Parties and Buffets, Perfect for Sociable Sharing. Budget Friendly. Weeknight Easy, Weekend Special. Low Carb. Vegetarian.

Seasonal Sundays (Week 3) Winter Dinners

Seven cold-weather supper recipes, guaranteed to fill our kitchens with enticing aromas and feed our bodies simple whole foods. These are the recipes I'm not letting winter pass without making at least once ... you too, I hope?

New! Introducing The Homemade Pantry

"Don't Buy That, Make This." A brand-new recipe collection, the latest addition to my How to Save Money on Groceries series, here featuring recipes for food we could buy in stores or restaurants but instead choose to make from scratch at home . So Many Possibilities! Click the Image or Click <<<<< The Homemade Pantry >>>>>

Seasonal Sundays (Week 2) Winter Plant-Based Dinners

Seven vegetarian and vegan – that's veg(etari)an, right? – supper recipes leaning on winter vegetables, slow cookers, winter salads, big flavors and more. Fingers crossed that one or two are destined as "family favorites" in your own kitchens. Read on!

How to Poach a Perfect Egg

The Cook's Illustrated Technique If you're like me and l-i-v-e for a perfectly poached egg, you will also, like me, have tried all those egg-poaching shenanigans because honestly, you'd do almost anything, wouldn't you? just to figure out how to cook poached eggs to perfection, turning out firm whites and runny yolks each and every time. Tap your Dorothy heels twice while whistling for Toto? It doesn't work. Neither does Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200. All those crazy egg-poaching techniques, they just don't work, never have, never will. But now? Leave it to Cook's Illustrated to crack the code for perfect poached eggs. Easy Techniques for Perfect Poached Eggs. Real Food, Fresh & Fast. Mere Minutes to the Table. Year-Round Kitchen Staple. Budget Friendly. Weeknight Easy, Weekend Special. Naturally Gluten Free.

Seasonal Sundays (Week 1) A Cozy Cool Down

Seven easy dinner ideas to eeeeease our way into the new year, a "cool down" if you will after the marathon of back-to-back-to-back holidays ... plus a couple of bonuses, 2022's Most Useful Recipe and 2022's Reader Favorite.