
Showing posts from May, 2011

Herb-Coated Broiled Fish

Spring's happening, finally, and summer's not far behind. The trees are all leafed out, spring flowers are turning into summer blossoms. And my cooking style is changing seasons too, turning to summer simplicity, what for three years now, I call "Summer Easy". Just last week, a chef said it like this, "When the food's this fresh, it'll almost cook itself ... " Weight Watchers, you're going to love this recipe, it's 100% Freestyle! ~ Skip Straight to the Recipe ~ This recipe is so quick and easy that I'm adding it to a special collection of easy summer recipes published every summer since 2009. Watch for new "summer easy" recipes all summer long! With a free e-mail subscription , you'll never miss a one! BEST RECIPES! Herb-Coated Broiled Fish Made the List! Best Recipes of 2011 Whoah! Sticker shock set in this week, not for $4 gas but $4 herbs. But the plants were beautiful, grown in M

How to Frost a Cake:
Step-by-Step Photos & Tips

Layer cakes are just so festive! Bring a layer cake to dinner and a real party is likely to erupt. Here's how I frost a cake, it's really easy and takes about 20 minutes, no need for special equipment. Like the looks of the cake in the photographs? It's Southern Belle Lemon Layer Cake ! ~ more cake recipes ~ Get Out the Waxed Paper Tear off strips of waxed paper and arrange them around the outer edge of the cake plate, so that the outer perimeter of the cake will rest on about an inch or so of waxed paper. Why? After the cake is iced, you'll slip the waxed paper sheets out from under the cake and the cake plate will be perfectly clean! Five strips are better than the three shown in the photo, I ran short this day and you'l see, later, that I needed to supplement with foil. Oh - foil works too, it's just more expensive. "Glue" the Cake to the Plate Spread some frosting on the cake plate, this prevents the cake from slipping to