Weight Watchers, Meet Michael Pollan |
My friend Ann looks great, just great. For three months, she combined Weight Watchers with Michael Pollan's food axiom, "Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants." and lost thirty pounds. This is her story. How I Combined Michael Pollan's Eating Rules with Weight Watchers Tools and Lost Thirty Pounds in Three Months By Ann Getz STUPID PANTS It all started early one October morning. I was at the gym to work out, I had been working out for a year. After showering, I put on the clothes in my bag, a pair of pants purchased months ago in the Junior Department at Kohl’s. (Why I bought them, I have no idea. They didn’t really fit then but my daughter thought I needed a pair of pants.) I could hardly button the stupid things and when I did, I had the biggest and grossest muffin top ever! I sucked in my breath and drove home. As soon as I was out of the car, my neighbor Julia said, “I really need to get back to Weight Watchers. Do you want to join with me?” M