
Yorkshire Pudding (Popover) Recipe

No traditional English Christmas dinner is complete without Yorkshire Pudding, what many Americans call "popovers". This is my mom's recipe, including her secret technique for tender, flavor-packed Yorkshire Pudding. When hot bread first emerges from the oven, in my family even the kids know to grab the butter, then we’ll all tussle for the crusty heels, comfort food of the highest order. But not all of us share this fresh, homemade bread experience. I once delivered three loaves of still-warm Swedish Rye Bread to a family in mourning and was greeted by blank stares, as if I were daft. It wasn’t until a kind soul added sausage and cheese that the loaves were sliced into. How many know Yorkshire Pudding? You might call them “popovers” but think savory muffin-shaped but hollow Swedish pancakes or French crepes served hot-hot-hot, light, a little eggy and wet, but crispy on the edges. They’re a real treat, much too easy to make and tasty to consume to remain c