
Date-Night Chicken

Time was, the fastest way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. But in Title IX time, turn-about is fair play. Bachelors, take heed: the way to a woman’s heart is a home-cooked meal. Restaurants are wise choices for first dates and special occasions. But soon enough, she’ll invite you over, then wait for you to reciprocate. Or she won’t, but your wallet will suffer from dining out. Enter Date-Night Chicken, an easy, inexpensive and make-ahead supper guaranteed by a now happily married cousin to ‘reel them in’. A relaxed evening at home is the bait. With a little planning, your preparations can be just as easy-going; with a little luck, your payoff can be just as big. First up, the tackle. Stop by the grocery, remembering to pick up salad essentials from the salad bar and something chocolate for dessert. You can cook the chicken, but not bake it, up to a day ahead. With supper under control, survey the fishing hole. Create a romantic playlist on your iPOD just for her. Chi