
Technology Updates for

Dear Kitchen Parade Readers & Visitors, UPDATES UPDATE 11:00am Wednesday 4/21 I just now realized that some links are not working properly. For example, if you start on the Recipe Box page and click Mother's Day, you will reach not the Mother's Day recipes but instead the main holiday page, necessitating an extra click to get to Mother's Day. I'm checking to see if there is an automated way to re-instate these links but it's likely to require manual updates, page by page, link by link. FINAL UPDATE 6:00am Monday 4/19 So, yes, "we got it!" I've been testing multiple browsers all weekend long, all things look normal. The one exception is that I'm getting 'some' (but not all) reports that the Internet Explorer 6 browser is displaying pages without the proper formatting. I've checked stats, a small percentage of Kitchen Parade readers use this version of Internet Explorer which was released back in 2001. My site has always been