
Mojito Strawberries

Our latest dessert addiction, a strawberry riff on the Cuban cocktail called the mojito but served "virgin". Or not. Your call. ~ Skip Straight to the Recipe ~ This recipe is so quick and easy that I'm adding it to a special collection of easy summer recipes published every summer since 2009. Watch for new "summer easy" recipes all summer long! With a free e-mail subscription , you'll never miss a one! BEST RECIPES! Mojito Strawberries made the list! Best Recipes of 2012 I ♥ Summer Cocktails You know the mojito [mo-HEE-toe], right? It's that hey-yeah-it's-summer cocktail of rum with tongue-twisting tart lime juice and muddled mint, slightly sweet, ever so fresh. If I had a signature "summer cocktail", this Cuban cocktail would be it. But sugary cocktails are less than appealing. I checked not long ago, summer's most popular cocktail, a margarita, has something like 19 – yes, NINETEEN – Weight Wat