
Spiced Honey Cake

The Recipe: A simple honey-sweetened loaf cake (or a Bundt cake, your choice) rich with warm fall- and cold-weather spices. Is it perfect for Rosh Hashanah? Maybe. But you'll not find me saying so. The Conversation: Are spices your sprinkles? Me too! ~ Skip Straight to the Recipe ~ No Cultural Appropriation Here Back in high school, I immersed myself into the mesmerizing world of Chaim Potok's My Name Is Asher Lev . Back in August, I attended my first bat mitzvah, a moving ceremony and right of passage in the Jewish faith. But honestly? That's the sum total of my personal experience with the faith, culture and and tradition of Judaism, including Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year (celebrated this past weekend) where honey cakes symbolize the hope that the coming year will bring much sweetness – you know, like black-eyed peas and greens are eaten in the American South as the calendar turns from one year to the next. (Hmmm. Honey versus dried beans and bitte